
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

TECHNIQUES OF BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY with Scott Whittle - September 8 & 9

Join Warbler Guide author and professional photographer Scott Whittle and take your bird and wildlife photography to the next level. This intermediate workshop will analyze each participants needs, and then focus on developing the skills that will make them better photographers. Composition, being in the right place and right time, stalking, using the right equipment for the job, creative choices and other critical techniques will be discussed and practiced. This School of Birding Workshop is the perfect complement to your outdoor pursuits.

Friday and Saturday, September 8 & 9
8:00-4:30 pm
$150 members/$200 nonmembers

Save your spot now at: CMBO School of Birding

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Emil Lundahl - Falsterbo Bird Observatory

We are pleased to welcome and introduce Emil Lundahl to CMBO and the birding community. He is currently taking part in the naturalist orientation provided to our incoming seasonal staff, and will be experiencing all that Cape May has to offer. When you see him in the field, please make him feel at home. In his own words:

My name is Emil Lundahl and I'm visiting Cape May through the newly established youth exchange program of Cape May, Falsterbo and Spurn bird observatories (part of the Friendship Agreement). I will represent the Falsterbo Bird Observatory for three weeks, taking part in all the activities that are taking place here. I'm 20 years old and am at the moment taking two years off from studies doing all kinds of trips, and work mostly connected to birds. Looking forward to this time in Cape May and all there is to learn from each other!  

Saturday, August 19, 2017

A presentation and two events you won't want to miss!

Dear friends, members, and supporters, 

In 2014 I travelled to Falsterbo, Sweden, to participate in the first International Bird Observatory Conference (IBOC) hosted by the Falsterbo Bird Observatory and Lund University. It was a fantastic event with over 129 representatives from 40 bird observatories, and it helped solidify my thoughts on bird observatories as a global sensor network to keep our fingers on the pulse of migration, disseminate the most important findings, and ultimately work to conserve our global natural heritage. 

Since then, Cape May Bird Observatory has joined Falsterbo Bird Observatory and Spurn Bird Observatory in an official Friendship Agreement, whereby we exchange information on a monthly basis, co-publish summaries of our seasons, and just this fall have initiated a young professional exchange. On Saturday October 21 Falsterbo’s Björn Malmhagen and Spurn’s Nick Whitehouse will be the keynote speakers at our Cape May Fall Festival: So.Many.Birds. (October 19 - 22). Their presentation, titled “A Tale of Three Peninsulas”, will provide a window into the spectacular birding, research and outreach happening at their respective migration hotspots, as well as an update on our collaborative efforts thus far. I can tell you from working with these two gentlemen over the last three years that you will not want to miss this entertaining and informative presentation! 
L to R: David La Puma, Björn Malmhagen, Andy Clements, Nick Whitehouse (back), Deb Lee, & Michael Lanzone (front)

Registration for the festival and their presentation (available a-al-carte, or at a discount with Saturday daily registration) can be found here:

Also of note, is that New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory will be hosting the 2nd International Bird Observatory Conference October 26 - 30, in Cape May. If you are affiliated with a bird observatory, or interested in learning more about bird observatory operations, registration is open here: 

Looking forward to seeing you here this fall!

Good Birding,

David A. La Puma
Director, New Jersey Audubon's Cape May Bird Observatory

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

MORNING FLIGHT starts tomorrow!

It's hard to believe that another fall is fast approaching - a sure sign is the silhouette of birders on the dike or platform at Higbee WMA, counting the passage of migrant songbirds. Tomorrow is the first day of the count, and we're happy to welcome back Glen Davis as the official counter and introduce Melissa Roach as the Migration Count Coordinator. Glen will be manning the count at sunrise, kicking off the 15th year of this exciting project. Warblers, kingbirds, and orioles have already been moving, and we're excited to see what shows up. Come out and join him in the fun, or check out how he's doing online, as Trektellen will once again be the platform we use to tabulate and live stream the count totals - go to our website ( and click on Live Data. Migration is underway: So.Many.Birds!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2017


When the chorus of spring and summer songs start to diminish, the late-summer mix of sounds from the migratory and local birds of Cape May continues on. The calls of many neotropical and long-distance migrants fill the skies, fields, marshes, beaches, and woods of the Cape May area. Many of the early fall migrants are at their peak in late August and their vocality provides a great opportunity to hone your ears and thoughts toward the particularly exciting soundscape at this time of year. This workshop will help you learn to focus on, describe, and identify these sounds. Warblers, vireos, flycatchers, thrushes, terns, shorebirds and many more groups of birds, in a variety of habitats, will be sought out and given all-ears!

Join Glen Davis on this exciting half-day School of Birding Workshop - sure to take your birding to the next level!!
August 26: 7:00-11:00 AM
Cost: $48 members, $64 nonmembers

Reserve your spot now at: CMBO School of Birding

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

THE WORLD OF BUTTERFLIES with Pat Sutton - August 22

This is your chance to experience these beautiful and varied creatures from a local expert. Learn about butterfly life cycles, their relationships to the plant world, odd behaviors, survival in a world filled with hungry predators, the spectacular migration of some species and the restricted range of others, and tips for easy identification. There will be an indoor illustrated presentation on butterfly biology, resources, and ID, but most of the day will be spent in the field. Pollinator gardening principals will be seen in action as the group visits private wildlife gardens (including Sutton’s) and natural areas near Cape May Court House and Goshen. Cape May County hosts 107 species of butterflies. If it is a good year for Monarchs, they may be plentiful.
Tuesday, August 22 
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Cost: $90 members, $120 nonmembers

Reserve your spot now at: CMBO School of Birding