
Monday, September 17, 2007

Butterfly walk report from Sunday, September 16

Will Kerling, Associate Naturalist, sent the following report from the Butterfly and Dragonfly Walk in Cape May Point from Sunday, September 16, 2007, 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. This walk is held every Sunday through October 14, and meets at the Pavilion Circle Gardens in Cape May Point - more information under Programs on this web site.

Butterfly List:
Black Swallowtail
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Cabbage White
Orange Sulphur
Cloudless Sulphur
White M Hairstreak
Gray Hairstreak
Eastern Tailed-Blue
Pearl Crescent
American Lady
Painted Lady
Red Admiral
Common Buckeye
Silver-Spotted Skipper
Horace's Duskywing
Least Skipper
Fiery Skipper
Zabulon Skipper

Dragonfly List:
Black Saddlebags
Eastern Pondhawk

Damselfly List:
Bluet species

We saw Red-breasted Nuthatches, Common Yellowthroat, Sharp-shinned Hawks and Osprey. It was a great sunny, breezy morning with thirteen people (3 members, 6 non-members and 4 life members) in attendance, some from Delaware and New York. The White M Hairstreak was a great find in an urban setting, nectaring on sedum."

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