
Sunday, September 30, 2007

CMBO Villas WMA walk- 9/30/07

George Myers sent this note to me about the CMBO Villas WMA walk, which was held this morning.

"It was a morning for Palm Warblers! They were constantly overhead and in the trees. Lesser numbers of Yellow-rumps and a few Blackpolls. Northern Flickers continued to be numerous.

Other goodies:
2 Red-headed Woodpeckers
8+ Red-breasted Nuthatches
4 White-breasted Nuthatches
4 Eastern Phoebes
2 Hairy Woodpeckers
3 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers
1 Blue Grosbeak
2 Indigo Buntings
1 Cooper's Hawk
5 Sharp-shinned Hawks
4 Osprey
1 Peregrine Falcon
10 Wood Ducks

On a butterfly note: One Willow Oak had at least 2 dozen Red Admirals roosting in it.
Also, White-throated Sparrows (2) in the yard."

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