
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Report from Cape May Point State Park

Karl Lukens reports the following from CMBO's Cape May Point State Park Walk today:

"Good birding and comfortable weather on this morning's Cape May Point walk at the State Park. Warblers were predominantly Yellow-rumps with a few Palms and Common Yellowthroats. Good variety of dabbling ducks, but the divers are yet to come. "

The walk detected Wood Ducks and American Pipits, among other birds of interest. The full list is below.

10/17/2007 ~ in Cape May Point ~ New Jersey Checklist ~ 59 seen
Double-crested Cormorant 50
Great Blue Heron 3
Great Egret 5
Snowy Egret 2
Mute Swan 6
Canada Goose 20
Wood Duck 2
American Wigeon 10
Gadwall 4
Green-winged Teal 10
Mallard 20
American Black Duck 1
Northern Pintail 2
Blue-winged Teal 2
Northern Shoveler 10
Turkey Vulture 5
Osprey 4
Sharp-shinned Hawk 5
Cooper's Hawk 2
Greater Yellowlegs 1
Sanderling 10
Least Sandpiper 3
Ring-billed Gull 1
Great Black-backed Gull 50
American Herring Gull 20
Laughing Gull 50
Forster's Tern 5
Royal Tern 5
Rock Pigeon 15
Mourning Dove 10
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker 8
Tree Swallow 10
American Pipit 4
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Carolina Wren 2
Gray Catbird 3
Northern Mockingbird 2
Brown Thrasher 1
American Robin 25
Carolina Chickadee 2
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
American Crow 5
European Starling 50
House Sparrow 15
Red-eyed Vireo 1
House Finch 2
Yellow-rumped Warbler 30
Palm Warbler 2
Common Yellowthroat 2
Savannah Sparrow 3
Song Sparrow 1
Swamp Sparrow 15
White-throated Sparrow 1
Northern Cardinal 2
Red-winged Blackbird 20

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