
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ash-throated Flycatcher and Butterfly Weather

Paul Lehman reports: "This morning (Weds) I found an Ash-throated Flycatcher in Cape May. It was hanging around and was seen by others as well. It is just north of West Cape May. As one heads north out of West Cape May village on Broadway, which then turns to Seashore Road, look on the right (east) for Wilson Ave., which is just a block long and dead-ends. Park there and continue just a few feet farther east, where the end of Wilson crosses a dirt road, then there's a pedestrian gate, a railroad track, and then Nature Conservancy property ("Cape Island Creek"). The bird was mostly along the dirt road, just south of Wilson, but it also went over to along the railroad track a couple times as well.

"The two Sandhill Cranes were seen again today flying around various spots on Cape Island, but the birds are very difficult to pin down for long. A few (ca. 4) Cave Swallows were seen in the early morning along the Cape May city waterfront and flying over the South Cape May Meadows (could be the same birds). Also a fly-over Common Redpoll."

Meanwhile, I heard of a Cloudless Sulphur in Bill and Edie Schul's yard in Cape May Point today, and here at CMBO in Goshen this afternoon were a Monarch and a Cabbage White. These were seen during a bizarrely warm walk prompted by Dale Rosselet, who urged us outside but told the Monarch to "get it's butterfly butt to Mexico."

I briefly saw an anglewing in Belleplain earlier today, which one I know not, as well as a Green Darner. Colors are still peak; Route 347 has got to be one of the prettiest roads in the state when it comes to leaf-watching. All this on the day before Thanksgiving!

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