
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oh Bullocks........White-winged dove and Barnacle goose too.

Well, the BULLOCKS ORIOLE is still giving brief glimpses to those willing to be at the Hidden Valley Extension at about sunrise. This morning we arrived at about 7:30 to find that the bird had been seen briefly in the corner of tangles (near the 645 junction sign) and actually flew across the road to a lone holly tree at the corner of a private drive way. The few there were teased with small glimpses of the bullocks while it slowly moved about on the back side of the tree. After a few minutes of hide and seek, the bird flew back to it's tangle corner and has not been seen as I understand, as of the time I write this (8:45 a.m.) NOTE: IF you try for this bird and it flies across Bayshore Rd. to a private residence, PLEASE respect private property lines!!!!

In other rarity news, a WHITE-WINGED DOVE was found yesterday (11/29) at the Villas WMA. The bird was seen in the vicinity of the dilapidated buildings "by the courtyard and smaller swimming pool near the old main building" on the western side of the property. The bird was evidently alone. Also of note at Villas WMA were the continuing Red-headed woodpeckers and about 125 Rusty blackbirds

Also, the Barnacle goose was seen flying in a westerly direction over Bayshore Rd. while folks were waiting for the oriole to show up. It would seem that the best bet (or at least most reported time in which the bird is seen) is still the evenings at TNC's CMMBR. Though, I've heard that the goose has been located a time or two in the fields between Shunpike and

Below are a few pictures of the Bullocks oriole from yesterday, which Michael O'Brien was nice enough to share. Enjoy.

This was a brief look it gave to some of us waiting yesterday morning. It took a short break from
skulking around the porcelain berry tangles very much associating with the three female
Baltimore orioles present.

How much better can it get?!?! This lucky shot shows pretty much every field mark you might
want to see in identifying a Bullocks oriole in flight. Note especially the tail pattern which is a
reversal of the pattern found on a Baltimore oriole. This one is by far a favorite of mine.

This last photo is just a bit of eye candy. Believe it or not, this bright bird is easily lost in the
leafless tangles of porcelain berry. Or, even the dense foliage of a holly tree like this morning.

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