
Sunday, December 23, 2007

BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS- Island Beach State Park

No word on the Black guillemot that I have heard at least. But in checking a few posts on-line I did glean the below from the NJ RBA. I know it's not Cape May but in my opinion the more places sightings are posted, the better. Besides, these birds are ultimately heading SOUTH!!

Hopefully these birds stick around through the holiday for those not around for the chase!

Posted by Laurie Larson

"Alex Tongas just phoned with news of a flock of 8 or 9 Bohemian Waxwings at parking access A-6 at Island Beach State Park. He said he also heard of a report of four or more seen yesterday in the same area, so they may be lingering there. A-6 is south of the bath houses and (I think) south of the beach-buggy access. Please park only in designated areas; parking is not permitted along the road."

EDIT: in looking at our site, seems like Don has the no good word! Keep looking though as the guillemot could show back up!

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