
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cape May Birding Hotline 12/27/07

The Cape May Birding Hotline is a service of New Jersey Audubon Society's Cape May Bird Observatory. This week's message was prepared on Thursday, December 27, 2007. Highlights this week include sightings of BLACK GUILLEMOT, BARNACLE GOOSE, BOHEMIAN WAXWING, PINE GROSBEAK, BROAD-WINGED HAWK, LEAST FLYCATCHER, NORTHERN GOSHAWK, RED CROSSBILL, COMMON EIDER, RED-HEADDED WOODPECKER, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW, SNOW BUNTING, and CANVASBACK.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Both CMBO Centers (the Northwood Center in Cape May Point and the Center for Research and Education in Goshen) will be closed for the holidays from 12/24/07 thru 1/1/08. We will resume our normal winter hours on 1/2 opening at 9:30 a.m.

A well-photographed BLACK GUILLEMOT in Cape May was a one-day wonder 12/22. Last seen at the south side of the Higbee Beach jetty, the bird apparently flew off headed for Delaware and has not been reported since.

8-9 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS AND 1 female PINE GROSBEAK were both found at Island Beach State Park 12/24 at the first bath house, with the last Bohemian report being two flybys north and west of the parking lot.

A BROAD-WINGED HAWK has been hanging on in Cape May, last seen 12/21 over Cape May Point.

Another late hanger-on was the re-discovered LEAST FLYCATCHER 12/24, seen on the path going to the right from the end of Wilson Avenue in West Cape May.

A WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW and 25 SNOW BUNTINGS were at the Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge, a.k.a. the South Cape May Meadows, 12/26. 6 WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS were there 12/21, including one apparent gambelii.

Immature NORTHERN GOSHAWKS were seen at Villas WMA and the Cape May National Wildlife Refuge near Green Creek 12/24. Another NORTHERN GOSHAWK was at Cape May Point 12/21.

18 RED CROSSBILLS were detected at the Cape May Point dunes 12/21, identified as 17 type-4 and 1 type-2.


4 COMMON EIDERS have been hanging around Cape May between the point and the Coast Guard Station.

RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS continue at Villas WMA, the most recent report being 12/24.

A hen CANVASBACK has been seen on various ponds in Cape May Point, most recently reported 12/26 on Lighthouse Pond.

There is no recent news of any of the ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHERS previously reported, nor of the BARNACLE GOOSE, though either species may still be present at the previously reported location (s).

CMBO is offering a special to new and upgraded membership renewals. Join CMBO for the first time or upgrade from Individual or Family to The Hundred and receive Charley Harpers Migration Mainline- Cape May lithograph poster, valued at $50. Call either CMBO center to ask an associate about joining today!

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