
Friday, December 14, 2007

King Eider in Cape May!

Just received a call from Chris Hajduk about a KING EIDER he spotted with some COMMON EIDER among the pilings at the Coast Guard Base. As this was a message relayed to me I have no info at this time about the sex or age.

There are two ways you can try and check for this bird if you are so inclined. First and best in the morning, is to make the long trek to the jetty at the Cape May NWR Two Mile Unit (see letter S on the Cape May County side of the map) and look to the south toward the pilings at the Coast Guard Base.

The other option and best for the afternoon (because of the sun) is to walk out Poverty Beach (see lower right corner of the Cape Island map) and look north toward the Coast Guard pilings.

Good luck for those who try for this bird.

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