
Friday, December 21, 2007

More Leica Ultravid HD's

Just in case you don't get what you want for Christmas, keep in mind the new Leica HD's which seemingly can only be found at CMBO to date. We just received another shipment today, of 7x42s and a few more 8x32s. Still no signs of any others out there with this optic in stock!

I'll be using these bins extensively over the "CMBO Christmas Break" and will work on bringing you a detailed review of the new bins as soon as possible. The review will be located on the site, which I am happy to say is nearing completion and will hopefully be launching soon after the beginning of the year.

REMINDER: Both CMBO centers will be closed between Christmas and New Years. We will reopen on January 2nd at 9:30 a.m.

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