
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Short-eared News

This just in from Janet Crawford: "Friday there were 4 Short-ears at Jake's [Jake's Landing - DF], including one that appeared right across the creek and gave us good looks. One was barking in the same vicinity. Today, the Birding Club of Delaware County's Brig-Barnegat trip got separated at the end, but we both got lucky. At the Bridge to Nowhere in Manahawkin [Manahawkin WMA-it's in Boyle - DF], there were 6 Short-eared Owls, and 1 dark morph Rough-legged. At Mott's Creek [north of Brigantine - DF], there were at least 4 Short-ears, including one that Karen Johnson squeaked in. It got so close we had to drop our bins, and could see him making course adjustments as he came toward us. I thought he was going to hit Karen. He veered off when he realized that vole was a little bigger than he could handle. Janet

PS - the bar at Mott's Creek is open again, and we got a beer, and went out on the deck to look for owls. Now that's the way to go birding on a cold winter day. "

I definitely agree on that last point, that's for sure!

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