
Friday, December 7, 2007

Sightings from outside of Cape May- PAINTED BUNTING

I thought that this was good enough bird that I wanted to share the sighting. The info below was gleaned from the NJ RBA listserv. The sightings are from Monmouth Count (Sandy Hook) and Ocean County (Island Beach State Park). Just trying keep you in the know!

"Fred Lesser and Kevin Knutsen found and photographed a female Painted Bunting
at Island Beach State Park in Ocean County today (Dec. 7). The bird is visiting
feeders at the park's Nature Center, also known as the Aeolium."

"The Townsend's Solitaire at Sandy Hook is still present through Dec. 7 as is
the Great Crested Flycatcher. The latest report of the Ash-throated Flycatcher
was Dec 5. All three birds have been frequenting the woods and scrub-shrub at
the east end of the scout camp near the rusty barn."

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