
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ash-throated flycather, refound and Barnacle goose

(photo by Michael O'Brien)

The message below was just emailed to me from Michael O'Brien as was the photo above. He has relocated the Ash-throated flycatcher which was first found on 6th Ave. in West Cape May and last seen (before today) on the east side of the Beanery, not too far from where Michael had the bird. What I'd like to know, is where was this bird on New Years day!!! Or, were we moving so quickly that we simply over looked the bird.......

"The Ash-throated Flycatcher (#3) continues at the Beanery today. I saw it around noon by the junk yard. Also, 2 juvenile Little Blue Herons at Two Mile Landing."

Also of note is that Karl Lukens reported seeing the Barnacle goose at Hidden Valley on an eBird list submission. I am not sure exactly where he saw the bird of if it was flyover but it's good to know that it is still around.

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