
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wed. 1/30: Jake's Landing update, Shovelers in Reed's Beach, more on robins

There were 3-4 Short-eared Owls at Jake's this evening, along with a distant perched silhouette of a Bald Eagle, a fly-by Wilson's Snipe, and a brief look at a distant Peregrine Falcon. Notable in their absence were Snow Geese, but the flock seems to be spending more time around Goshen Landing and Reed's Beach lately. I also noticed, for the first time this winter, a number of robins coming in to roost in the forest around the beginning of Jake's Landing Road. Based on what I've seen during the past week, it seems like there's been a small influx of robins into the bayshore region since the last mini cold-snap.

A check of the 'Ibis Pond' along Reed's Beach Road this afternoon produced 7 Northern Shovelers and a Belted Kingfisher. Shovelers can become scarce in Cape May County in the middle of winter, but this pond has been a reliable spot to see the species the past two years.

List from Jake's Landing included-

Location: Jake's Landing
Observation date: 1/30/08
Number of species: 21
Canada Goose 25

American Black Duck 12
Mallard 2
Green-winged Teal 9
Hooded Merganser 1
Bald Eagle 1
Northern Harrier 9
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Peregrine Falcon 1
Black-bellied Plover 1
Dunlin 75
Wilson's Snipe 1
Ring-billed Gull 6
Herring Gull 45
Great Black-backed Gull 1
Marsh Wren 2
American Robin 600
Song Sparrow 2
Red-winged Blackbird 75
Eastern Meadowlark 4
Common Grackle 350

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