
Thursday, February 21, 2008

A few neat pictures from Brig, Lunar Eclipse

Here's a few picture highlights from a trip around the dikes at Brig/Forsythe this morning with Steve Mason and Katie Montagnaro, as well as a few pictures of the lunar eclipse last night.

We found an immature Peregrine Falcon sitting atop an Osprey platform along the south dike. As we watched, an adult Peregrine seemingly appeared out of thin air, and we witnessed this extremely entertaining battle. Interestingly, the immature won the battle and the adult flew off, rather agitated. [Photo by Katie Montagnaro]

Just a few of the many, many American Black Ducks that winter at Forsythe.

[Photo by Katie Montagnaro]

There were about 25 Common Mergansers in the NW Pool at the end of the North Dike, in one of the few patches of open water.
[Photo by Steve Mason]

This Fox Sparrow showed nicely along Jen's Trail.

[Photo by Steve Mason]

Here are some pictures from the eclipse...before clouds ended the show early. [Photos by Tom Reed]

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