
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sun. 2/3: Barnacle Goose at Lily Lake, Higbee & Reed's Beaches

First off, the Barnacle Goose was again on Lily Lake this afternoon around 2:00pm. The bird, along with its Canada Goose buddies, has become quite regular here during the afternoon for the past couple of weeks. An attempt to find the Yellow-breasted Chat at the State Park was unsuccessful.

Former Cape May hawk counter Tom Magarian joined me for a stroll around the northwest corner of Higbee Beach Wildlife Management Area this afternoon. We couldn't find the previously-reported Black-headed Gull, but there were a couple dozen Bonaparte's Gulls around to study. Purple Sandpipers and Ruddy Turnstones afforded excellent looks along the jetty on the Higbee side of the canal, and there were several close Red-throated Loons as well. Otherwise, it was rather quiet for a mild February afternoon.

Finally, there are currently 11 Northern Shovelers and a Great Egret in the ibis pond along Reed's Beach Road.

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