
Monday, March 3, 2008

Mon. 3/3: Laughing Gulls arrive, Fox Sparrows on the move, and a correction

The first Laughing Gulls of the season arrived today. I was originally under the impression that Jim Waldie saw the first at 2pm at the ferry terminal, but it turns out that one was seen late this morning, even though I don't know the details of where and exactly when that was.

There was some discussion today on the JerseyBirds listserv regarding an influx of Fox Sparrows. There were at least two at our feeders in Reed's Beach today, and I usually don't see the species here unless there is snow on the I'm thinking there was probably a decent movement of Fox Sparrows overnight. Fox Sparrows are one of our earlier migrant passerines, with most passing through during the month of March. They also possess a very musical song, as one of the birds in the yard adequately demonstrated this afternoon. Speaking of birds on the move, has anyone else been noticing the increased numbers of Fish Crows and Boat-tailed Grackles lately? These two species typically increase through the month of March, and it won't be long before both are well-represented in salt marshes and barrier islands throughout the Cape.

And lastly, a correction: Amy Gaberlein notified me that CMBO Northwood does NOT have any more copies of Jack Connor's Season at the Point- I'm not sure if Goshen currently has any either. Sorry for any confusion.

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