
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

World Series of Birding LIVE!!!!

I wanted to post this exciting news again given that we are less than two months away from the big event!!!! In fact, according to the WSB Countdown Clock there are 51 days, 22 hours, 19 minutes and 30...29...28...27...26...25.... seconds and counting.

Say you are on a team, lets call it Team Zeiss, and you are looking to find out some information on whether or not the Barnacle Goose is still hanging around Cape Island. You have two choices, head to "View from the Cape" and see if Don, Tom or I have posted a sighting in the last few days you can check the WSB Forum. There are sections for scouting the North, the South and even Cape Island (Zen Zugunruhe don't go hoping I'll give up all the Northwood Nightjars hidden locations!) Other sections deal with rule updates and the Digi Competition.

Click on the following link to get to the Forum directly or the second link to to go directly to the Forum How-To Guide page.

So now, what's keeping you from forming that WSB team you have always wanted? Now you can post in the Miscellaneous section "Looking for team members!" Remember, all the funds raised go to a good cause. So stop sitting around complaining about what's wrong with the world and who's not doing what and raise some monies for your favorite environmental organization (it doesn't even have to be CMBO or NJAS, though we'd be most appreciative if we were your favorite.) Heck, you could even raise pledges for your favorite birding!!!! That's what my team does.

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