
Thursday, April 10, 2008

RUFF still at Heislerville WMA

We just received a call here at the Northwood Center, from CMBO Associate Naturalists Gail Dwyer and George Myers, that at least one RUFF is still being seen at Heislerville WMA.

One more quick thing I wanted to share; this came from a discussion on Jersey Birds listserv. Sam Galick (last falls CMBO Morning Flight counter) shared a great way to garner GPS coordinates using Google Maps and I've copied the message below. This information could prove to be very useful in pin pointing the location of rarities for folks hare on In this case one "Jersey Birder" had asked for specific GPS coordinates for Heislerville WMA. GPS in cars has us thinking in new ways in terms of getting to rarity locations!

Hopefully you find Sam's info as interesting and useful as I did. Thanks for sharing Sam!

"For quick GPS coordinates I use; in this case
Heislerville WMA, the coordinates are:

Latitude: 39.23285564558654
Longitude: -75.01118302345276

This places you on Matt's Landing Road. This website uses the Google Map
application and has the same maps, and imagery. All you have to do is use
your cursor to click on the part of the map where you want to be and it will
read out the coordinates automatically on the side.

If you use Google Maps you can extract the coordinates by zooming in on the
desired location and click on the chain link on the top right hand corner
above the map. If you look at the hyperlink that appears you will see both
Lat and Long embedded in the link of the location. Example of the following:,-75.0104&spn=0.00954,0.023518&t=h&z=16

See the coordinates? This is a link to Heislerville WMA."

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