
Thursday, May 22, 2008

A couple of images

Karl Lukens recently shared a couple of pics he has taken in the last week or so. The first is of one of the less than "red" female type Curlew Sandpipers which has been seen at Heislerville WMA in the last two weeks. The second image is of the Wilson's Phalarope which is being seen at the West Cape May Impoundments as of at least yesterday, see previous post. Lastly, I've created a map, using Google Maps, to show you exactly where the West Cape May Impoundments are located. Just note that you are looking at the West Cape May canal bridge not the Garden State Parkway canal bridge.

This just in.... Vince Elia just called me (it's approx 12:25 p.m. now) to let me know that at least two Curlew Sandpipers (a male and a female) are still being seen at Heislerville WMA (he was looking at them as he was speaking to me) along with approximately 25,000 (yes, that is thousand!) shorebirds. In Vince's words the impoundments are "just chalk full of shorebirds."

EDIT: Ok, the posting program is not working with me at this time to get the images up on the site. In the interest of getting the sightings information out I am publishing this post without images. I'll post the actual images as soon as the program allows.

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