
Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday Morning at The Meadows - Royal Tern, Blue-winged Teal, Piping Plovers

The following report arrived in my inbox from Karl & Judy Lukens, who confirm that a successful bird walk was had at the South Cape May Meadows this morning.

"Chilly and foggy but still some decent birding on the CMBO SCMM (" The Meadows") Walk. Over 30 people turned out to participate. Some shorebirds including Piping Plover, Oystercatcher, Semi-p Plover, Yellowlegs and Willet. A number of Least Terns showed up as well as Royal tern."

Location: South Cape May Meadows
Observation date: 5/5/08
Number of species: 57
Canada Goose 5

Mute Swan 10
Gadwall 3
Mallard 5
Blue-winged Teal 1
Red-throated Loon 5
Northern Gannet 20
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Great Egret 2
Snowy Egret 2
Glossy Ibis 4
Black Vulture 1
Turkey Vulture 5
Osprey 1
Semipalmated Plover 5
Piping Plover 8
Killdeer 3
American Oystercatcher 4
Greater Yellowlegs 5
Willet 2
Lesser Yellowlegs 4
Least Sandpiper 5
Short-billed Dowitcher 1
Laughing Gull 15
Ring-billed Gull 5
Herring Gull 25
Great Black-backed Gull 25
Least Tern 10
Common Tern 5
Forster's Tern 20
Royal Tern 1
Rock Pigeon 2
Mourning Dove 5
Chimney Swift 2
Blue Jay 2
American Crow 5
Fish Crow 1
Tree Swallow 5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 5
Barn Swallow 5
Carolina Wren 1
American Robin 5
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 2
European Starling 10
Yellow Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 2
Common Yellowthroat 3
Savannah Sparrow 4
White-throated Sparrow 1
Northern Cardinal 5
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 10
Boat-tailed Grackle 1
Brown-headed Cowbird 5
American Goldfinch 1
House Sparrow 2

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