
Friday, May 16, 2008

More notes from Day One of Spring Weekend

I tagged along on the two walks around the South Cape May Meadows this morning (with Pete Dunne, Bill Glaser and Tom Parsons), and did likewise for this afternoon's joint tour of Stone Harbor Point and Nummy Island (with Mike Fritz, Rick Radis and Steve Rodan).

The first tour around the Meadows was, well...soggy, and decidedly lacking in feathered friends. The second go-'round was much drier and likewise much birdy-er, with highlights including a fly-by Brown Pelican, two first-summer Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 14 Royal Terns loafing on the beach, and a brief glimpse at a darting Horned Lark.

Stone Harbor Point and Nummy Island were rather productive this afternoon, particularly as the fog burned off and the sun began to poke through the clouds. There were several migrant Yellow Warblers zipping around the point, and we had great looks at Brown Thrasher, Piping Plover and a variety of other shorebirds at close range. Nummy produced two Little Blue Herons, Whimbrel, Red-breasted Mergansers, Red Knots, and stunning looks at a pair of Clapper Rails, right next to the road.

Combined list from the Meadows, as well as separate lists from Stone Harbor and Nummy are included-

Location: South Cape May Meadows
Observation date: 5/16/08
Notes: combined results of two NJAS Spring Weekend walks during AM.
Number of species: 71
Canada Goose 6

Mute Swan 4
Gadwall 5
Mallard 8
Common Loon 1
Northern Gannet 1
Brown Pelican 1
Double-crested Cormorant 20
Great Egret 2
Snowy Egret 3
Glossy Ibis 16
Turkey Vulture 2
Osprey 3
Cooper's Hawk 1
Black-bellied Plover 3
Semipalmated Plover 4
Piping Plover 1
Killdeer 2
American Oystercatcher 6
Spotted Sandpiper 4
Solitary Sandpiper 1
Greater Yellowlegs 3
Willet (Eastern) 4
Lesser Yellowlegs 1
Ruddy Turnstone 3
Red Knot 4
Sanderling 25
Semipalmated Sandpiper 1
Least Sandpiper 7
Dunlin 9
Short-billed Dowitcher 10
Laughing Gull 80
Ring-billed Gull 4
Herring Gull 40
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2
Great Black-backed Gull 35
Least Tern 20
Common Tern 9
Forster's Tern 35
Royal Tern 14
Black Skimmer 1
Rock Pigeon 1
Mourning Dove 6
Chimney Swift 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 1
Eastern Kingbird 2
Blue Jay 1
Fish Crow 4
Horned Lark 1
Purple Martin 3
Tree Swallow 18
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 1
Bank Swallow 1
Barn Swallow 25
Carolina Wren 4
House Wren 2
American Robin 8
Gray Catbird 2
Northern Mockingbird 2
European Starling 20
Yellow Warbler 2
Common Yellowthroat 2
Song Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 2
Red-winged Blackbird 12
Common Grackle 6
Brown-headed Cowbird 2
House Finch 2
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow 6

Location: Stone Harbor Point
Observation date: 5/16/08
Notes: Walk part of NJAS Spring Weekend
Number of species: 41
Brant (Atlantic) 12

Mallard 2
Double-crested Cormorant 9
Great Egret 1
Snowy Egret 2
Osprey 1
Black-bellied Plover 5
Semipalmated Plover 6
Piping Plover 2
American Oystercatcher 6
Willet (Eastern) 2
Ruddy Turnstone 4
Red Knot 9
Sanderling 25
Semipalmated Sandpiper 16
Least Sandpiper 9
Dunlin 30
Laughing Gull 40
Herring Gull 12
Great Black-backed Gull 15
Least Tern 8
Common Tern 9
Forster's Tern 12
Royal Tern 1
Mourning Dove 2
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Fish Crow 2
Purple Martin 2
Tree Swallow 3
Barn Swallow 15
Carolina Wren 2
American Robin 2
Gray Catbird 2
Northern Mockingbird 2
Brown Thrasher 2
European Starling 5
Yellow Warbler 4
Song Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 2
Red-winged Blackbird 6
House Finch 2

Location: Nummy Island
Observation date: 5/16/08
Notes: Part of NJAS Spring Weekend
Number of species: 44
Brant (Atlantic) 30

American Black Duck 4
Mallard 2
Red-breasted Merganser 4
Common Loon 1
Double-crested Cormorant 15
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 6
Snowy Egret 8
Little Blue Heron 2
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 1
Glossy Ibis 4
Osprey 4
Clapper Rail 20
Black-bellied Plover 15
Semipalmated Plover 25
Killdeer 1
American Oystercatcher 8
Greater Yellowlegs 2
Willet (Eastern) 4
Whimbrel 4
Ruddy Turnstone 9
Red Knot 45
Semipalmated Sandpiper 50
Least Sandpiper 40
Dunlin 85
Short-billed Dowitcher 60
Laughing Gull 65
Herring Gull 40
Great Black-backed Gull 35
Least Tern 9
Common Tern 10
Forster's Tern 15
Royal Tern 40
Black Skimmer 15
Mourning Dove 1
Fish Crow 2
Purple Martin 1
Tree Swallow 2
Barn Swallow 8
European Starling 2
Song Sparrow 2
Red-winged Blackbird 18
Boat-tailed Grackle 25

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