
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Report of a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Higbee Beach WMA

We've just received a report of a sighting of a lone Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Higbee Beach. The bird was seen flying in off of the bay at approximately 10:30 a.m. this morning. The observers watched the bird as it flew in, over head and landed on one of the snags along the beach. The bird disappeared as they were setting up a spotting scope to garner better views, and has not been seen since.

Keep this bird in mind as you Bird Cape May! over the next few days. Heck, keep this bird in mind as you bird pretty much anywhere in south Jersey over the next few days.

Also, a sighting of an Olive-sided Flycatcher was had by one of the Spring Weekend walks (I believe it was a group led by Vince Eila) at Higbee Beach this morning. The bird was perched up in a snag (just where you'd expect to see one) at the back of the second tower field (the second field on the east side of the Higbee Beach property.)

We'll report more on these sightings, and others as they come in.


I've added photos taken by NJAS staff member Bob Fogg, of the Olive-sided Flycatcher and Spring Weekend Participants enjoying their time while they were here to......(you guessed it) BirdCapeMay!

(Olive-sided Flycatcher seen today in the second tower field at Higbee Beach WMA)

(Spring Weekend participants enjoying the view.)

If you look closely at the middle of the photo you'll see the CMBO web guru herself, Laura Guerard (in the green short sleeved shirt), creator and architect of this fine web site you are viewing. Pete does let us out from behind the desk every now and again to enjoy some birds!!! Ok, I jest..... we do get out more than just every now and then.

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