
Friday, May 23, 2008

Some interesting sightings around Cape May today

Written in the CMBO Sightings log for today are:

Kentucky Warbler- still present along the road to the Morning Flight Dike. (take a right at the Higbee parking lot and walk down the road. The kentucky was evidently singing quite a bit this morning according to Todd Klein, a CMBO volunteer)
Scarlet Tanager & Yellow-breasted Chat- Higbee
Olive-sided Flycatcher- still one hanging around Higbee. If you go looking for this species remember the prefer perching in leafless/dead trees.
Canada Warbler- Cape May Point State Park and behind the Northwood Center (from my office window)
2- Bonaparte's Gulls- Sunset Beach
Mississippi Kite- two separate reports. One from the hawkwatch platform about 11:00 a.m. and another from Seagrove Ave, no time indicated. The Seagrove Ave bird is very likely the same individual as the bird seen from the platform.

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