
Saturday, July 19, 2008

CMBO Cape May Point State Park Walk- 7/19/08

"Nice assortment of land and water birds this morning on the CMBO Cape May
Point Walk at the State Park. A flock of about 25 Whimbrel flew over, as
well as some Yellowlegs, Leasts, and Dowitchers. Other birds of note were a
1st year Little Blue Heron, a Gull-billed Tern over Bunker Pond for a brief
moment, and a scope look at a male Blue Grosbeak."

Location:     Cape May Point SP
Observation date:     7/19/08
Number of species:     63
Canada Goose     50
Mute Swan     10
Mallard     25
Great Egret     5
Little Blue Heron     1
Black-crowned Night-Heron     1
Glossy Ibis     1
Turkey Vulture     1
Osprey     1
Red-tailed Hawk     1
Piping Plover     4
Killdeer     4
American Oystercatcher     1
Greater Yellowlegs     2
Lesser Yellowlegs     2
Whimbrel     25
Least Sandpiper     5
Stilt Sandpiper     1
Short-billed Dowitcher     5
Laughing Gull     X
Ring-billed Gull     2
Herring Gull     10
Great Black-backed Gull     50
Least Tern     25
Gull-billed Tern     1
Common Tern     3
Forster's Tern     10
Black Skimmer     1
Rock Pigeon     5
Mourning Dove     5
Chimney Swift     10
Ruby-throated Hummingbird     4
Downy Woodpecker     2
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)     1
Eastern Kingbird     4
White-eyed Vireo     2
American Crow     5
Fish Crow     1
Purple Martin     50
Tree Swallow     1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow     1
Barn Swallow     5
Carolina Chickadee     5
Tufted Titmouse     3
Carolina Wren     5
House Wren     1
American Robin     5
Gray Catbird     1
Northern Mockingbird     3
Brown Thrasher     1
European Starling     15
Cedar Waxwing     3
Common Yellowthroat     4
Song Sparrow     1
Northern Cardinal     6
Blue Grosbeak     1
Indigo Bunting     2
Red-winged Blackbird     10
Common Grackle     5
Brown-headed Cowbird     5
House Finch     2
American Goldfinch     5
House Sparrow     5

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2

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