
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

White-faced Ibis flyby, little flight at Higbee, Red-headed Woodpecker report

A few miscellaneous bird reports:

A White-faced Ibis was seen flying south at the Meadows on Monday.

Vince Elia reported a smattering of migrants at the Hibee Beach parking lot on Monday, which included Worm-eating Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Yellow Warbler, and mutliple Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. Vince and I were joking about why we bird anywhere else at Higbee, since the lot is so often so good. It is certainly worth a quick stop anytime you're in the area. Bob Fogg and Tom Magarian reported similar birds there today, adding Prothonotary Warbler and American Redstart. Bob also took some nice photos of a new juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-heron at the Meadows. There have been good numbers of peep at the Higbee dike, and peep and some of the longer-legged birds at Pond Creek Marsh.

Two Red-headed Woodpeckers were reported at the end of 12th Street in Del Haven on Tuesday, on the edge of Cape May National Wildlife Refuge property. This general area is a more or less regular location for the species.

I had a Louisiana Waterthrush fly over my home in Del Haven this morning.

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