
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Red-necked Stint Reappears

The Red-necked Stint at Two Mile Landing in Cape May reappeared this afternoon and continued through full dark - I last saw it a little after 8:00 p.m. What a thrill to get the "thumbs up" sign from Janet Crawford, Roger and Kathy Horn, and others who were driving out of the landing near dark and recognized my truck as I pulled in, thanks all!! And thanks go out to the folks from Bucks County, PA, who put me on the bird's location as darkness was settling in.

The stint had disappeared during the middle of the day, during low tide, presumably to feed on exposed mudflats. At high tide shorebirds are pushed off the mudflats and often to this spot. High tide tomorrow will be about 9:30 a.m. A minor front has moved offshore and the winds will be light from the west and north tonight, so it is conceivable the bird could leave, but neither it nor the other shorebirds it was with behaved restless in any way. I'd say it will be worth braving the drive (and Labor Day weekend traffic when you go home) to try to see the bird.
See below for directions, photos and details. PLEASE be sure to be courteous about parking and viewing this bird, and DO NOT block access to the private businesses at Two Mile.

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