
Sunday, September 7, 2008

More storm birds

Many people were out at Sunset Beach at first light this morning. All of course hoping that there would be a good showing of storm birds. Other wise they wouldn't be there, right? While the storm may have not packed the punch, in terms of birds, that we all were hoping would be here; there have been some birds seen. Early this morning there was a couple of Parasitic and I picked up on one dark morph Pomarine Jaeger. Also early on, some terns which looked good for Sooty Terns at a distance, though with the numbers and mix of Black Terns about, caused some discussion.

About 8:15 a couple of positive Sooty Terns and a couple of Bridled Terns flew out of the bay. Later, another jaeger or two and a few more of the distant possible Sooty Tern types. There continue to be very good numbers of Black Terns as well.

I am sure if one were to sit all day and scan that you'd come up with a decent total of birds but none seem to be in close the way we all are wishing they'd pass by. All in all you can't be too disappointed with the showing considering the how the storm played out. It's easy to look back and become frustrated with the general lack of storm driven birds, but like I suggested yesterday, it's probably better to take a look at the storm track and intensity. Compare that with other storms from them past and try to make this a learning experience. Isn't that what it is about really, continuing to educate yourself on when, where and why to expect birds no matter the specific weather phenomena.

Continuing on the photo kick that I've been on, I figured I'd share this photo of the two Buff-breasted Sandpipers seen yesterday, below from Karl Lukens.

(Photo courtesy of Karl Lukens,

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