
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Two CMBO Walks

Below are two lists below from the CMBO Higbee's walk on Tuesday morning and today's CMBO Cape May Point walk.  Good numbers of birds are and have been around.  Finding them can prove to be a bit of a challenge but when you find a feeding flock the warbler/vireo numbers can be quite good.

According to one sites statistics, 24 species of warbler were recorded yesterday with 150 species total being seen.  Not at all bad in my opinion.

"CMBO Cape May Point State Park Walk. As usual the varied habitat produced a
nice variety of birds. Numerous Sharp-shinned hawks and Kestrels were seen
overhead. Ducks are still in eclipse plumage but with careful scanning we
were able to pick out wigeons both teal and a pintail. Warblers were present
but not in the numbers found yesterday."

 Location:     Cape May Point SP
 Observation date:     9/17/08
 Notes:     CMBO Walk-K,J,T,BS,+11.Clr,60,N6.
 Number of species:     61

 Canada Goose     5
 Mute Swan     5
 American Wigeon     2
 American Black Duck     1
 Mallard     25
 Blue-winged Teal     1
 Northern Shoveler     5
 Northern Pintail     1
 Green-winged Teal     10
 Double-crested Cormorant     4
 Great Blue Heron     2
 Great Egret     10
 Snowy Egret     10
 Green Heron     1
 Turkey Vulture     2
 Osprey     5
 Northern Harrier     1
 Sharp-shinned Hawk     15
 Broad-winged Hawk     1
 American Kestrel     5
 Merlin     2
 Greater Yellowlegs     2
 Lesser Yellowlegs     10
 Sanderling     2
 Least Sandpiper     10
 Laughing Gull     20
 Ring-billed Gull     2
 Herring Gull     5
 Great Black-backed Gull     25
 Forster's Tern     10
 Royal Tern     15
 Rock Pigeon     5
 Mourning Dove     5
 Belted Kingfisher     2
 White-eyed Vireo     2
 Red-eyed Vireo     3
 Blue Jay     1
 American Crow     5
 Tree Swallow     100
 Carolina Chickadee     1
 Carolina Wren     5
 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     10
 Veery     1
 Gray Catbird     5
 Northern Mockingbird     2
 Brown Thrasher     1
 European Starling     25
 Yellow Warbler     3
 Magnolia Warbler     1
 Palm Warbler (Western)     8
 Black-and-white Warbler     2
 American Redstart     3
 Common Yellowthroat     6
 Northern Cardinal     5
 Bobolink     25
 Red-winged Blackbird     10
 Common Grackle     2
 Brown-headed Cowbird     1
 House Finch     5
 American Goldfinch     1
 House Sparrow     5
 This report was generated automatically by eBird v2

Location:     Higbee Beach
Observation date:     9/16/08
Notes:     The birds were there but they were not showing themselves to us.
Number of species:     37

Great Blue Heron     2
Great Egret     1
Snowy Egret     2
Osprey     5
Bald Eagle     2
Sharp-shinned Hawk     7
Spotted Sandpiper     2
Herring Gull     1
Great Black-backed Gull     2
Mourning Dove     10
Ruby-throated Hummingbird     2
Belted Kingfisher     1
Northern Flicker     5
White-eyed Vireo     3
Red-eyed Vireo     2
Blue Jay     6
American Crow     3
Tree Swallow     2
Carolina Chickadee     15
Carolina Wren     9
House Wren     2
Veery     1
American Robin     2
Gray Catbird     15
Northern Mockingbird     1
Brown Thrasher     4
European Starling     20
Cedar Waxwing     7
Northern Parula     8
Black-and-white Warbler     1
American Redstart     2
Common Yellowthroat     10
Northern Cardinal     6
Bobolink     40
Red-winged Blackbird     35
Baltimore Oriole     2
American Goldfinch     6

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2

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