
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hawk Watch Platform Big Sit Tentative Results; Volunteers Needed for Hawk Watch Clean-up

Tom Reed reports that Sunday's "Big Sit" at the Hawk Watch Platform yielded approximately 111 species. Highlights, besides the Orange-crowned Warbler mentioned by Jason below, included high flocks of Snow Geese, multiple Parasitic Jaegers, Northern Gannets, Rusty Blackbirds, Purple Finches, Stilt Sandpiper, White-crowned Sparrows, and a scattering of more interesting warblers amidst the many Yellow-rumpeds flying around, including Cape May and Northern Parula.

In cooperation with Cape May Point State Park staff, CMBO is co-sponsoring a project to clear out the area in front of the hawk watch platform to improve visibility. We will replant a hedge of bayberries to provide native bird food and cover that will stay low, and thus not block the view.

Volunteers are needed:

Thursday, October 16th: start 1:00 p.m for vegetation clearing

Friday, October 17th: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for vegetation clearing

Monday, October 20th: 10:00 a.m to 3 p.m. Planting (rain date 10/21)

There is no need to sign up to help, just come equipped with work clothes, gloves, and pruning equipment if you have it (NO power tools), and stay as long as you can.

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