
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday wrap

Here's a brief Saturday recap:

SWALLOW-TAILED KITE: appeared at noon, and was seen from the State Park, the Beanery and the Meadows, putting on a superb show for over 100 birders before finally heading southwest across Delaware Bay shortly before 1:30pm. This represents just the third autumn record ever for Cape May, and the first ever to be "officially" tallied on the Cape May Autumn Hawk Count.

MISSISSIPPI KITE: seen from Hidden Valley at 9:30am, and then from the Hawkwatch around 10:15. Presumably one of the two birds that have been present recently.

MORNING FLIGHT: Good showing of Robins, Yellow-rumps and Blackpolls. Also of note were a handful of migrating Red-bellied Woodpeckers, a few Red-breasted Nuthatches and a Dickcissel.

HAWKWATCH: A tough day with not too many clouds and lots of high birds, but good numbers, including a good Peregrine flight and TWO species of Kites!

SEAWATCH: First good flight of Double-crested Cormorants, as well as the first Red-throated Loon of the season.

In other news, a probable Pomarine Jaeger was seen in the "rips" late this morning, good numbers of Blue Jays continue to be found around the Point, and there has been a noticeable number of Great Blue Herons on the move.

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