
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ash-throated Flycatcher, Dickcissel, other notes

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Here's a few brief notes before I head off to eat:

The ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER was re-found this morning at Cape May Point State Park, close to where it was yesterday- in the vicinity of the pines at the very back end of the park (the area where there appears to be two paths, with numerous plants that are being covered in protective cages). The bird was generally staying low to the ground, perching on sun-exposed low snags and small brush piles. I left it at 12:00pm.

The State Park also played host to an ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER and as many as 7 PALM WARBLERS this morning, in addition to at least 1 CAVE SWALLOW and several fly-over flocks of PINE SISKINS. There have been 50-60 TREE SWALLOWS between The Meadows and the State Park throughout the day.

In other news, the DICKCISSEL continues at The Meadows, along the hedgerow bordering Sunset Boulevard. Look for the House Sparrow flock, and you'll likely soon find the bird. The CACKLING GOOSE was hanging out on Lily Lake during the mid-afternoon.

At least one observer searched unsuccessfully for the previously-seen "BLACK" BRANT in Cape May Harbor, and a half-hour spent searching this afternoon failed to reveal the SEDGE WREN at Higbee Beach WMA. Here instead were at least two dozen HERMIT THRUSHES, numerous BROWN THRASHERS and a few PURPLE FINCHES. 

That's all for now. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. 

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