
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bird News Lately: Sedge Wren, Cave Swallow, Snow Buntings

Bob Fogg and others report that a Sedge Wren has been hanging out at the far (south) end of the first field at Higbee, as of Monday. Also Monday, Michael O'Brien and Bob had Cave Swallow and Snow Bunting at the Convention Center.

Four Snow Buntings and a Horned Lark were on the beach off the Cape May Meadows on Monday, enjoyed by participants on CMBO's Monday Meadows walk. A number of American Pipits were heard flying overhead, as were Purple Finches and a few Pine Siskins.

I understand that a Broad-winged Hawk was recorded by the Hawk Watch yesterday, certainly one of the last and something that would be considered bizarrely late anywhere in NJ but Cape May. I had a Blackpoll Warbler fly over at the Meadows yesterday, another species that is about done, just a very few will continue to trickle through as November winds down.

Jason Guerard found a Common Eider at Poverty Beach Monday.

A number of Rufous/Allen's type hummingbirds are being reported around the state, including several that are on private property. A hummingbird sp. was seen at the State Park yesterday by Laura Guerard.

Seems like about half the birders in Cape May are migrating south to the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival this week, myself included. I always get a kick out of imagining that some of the circum-gulf migrants or wintering birds we'll see down there could have passed through Cape May just a few weeks ago.

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