
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Birds about Cape May, "Black" Brant, Selasphorus Hummingbird, Sedge Wren, Long-eared and Saw-whet Owls and others

The last few days have produced a good number of birds in the Cape May area. Below are my lists for a walk around Cape May Point this morning and also from various locations on Monday 11/24.

There were a good numbers of birds moving about Cape May Point this morning with the most numerous species being blackbirds, cowbirds and grackles. American Goldfinches were also very well represented along with American Robins. There was a couple folks of Easter Bluebirds one totaling about 32 birds and the odd hawk or two hunting the dunes. Not much seemed to be moving over the bay.

Michael O'Brien pointed out a late Black-throated Green Warbler which we refound feeding on the ground in the grass with a Yellow-rumped Warbler, near the intersection of Yale Ave and Coral Ave.

One should note that my counts below are all estimations and probably well on the low side of the true numbers of birds that were seen this morning.

Other interesting bird sightings from the last couple of days are as follows. The SEDGE WREN continues to be seen as of yesterday at Higbee Beach in the same area that the bird had relocated to after the first field had been mow. For a map of the location and images of the bird you might visit Bob Fogg's web site.

The Selasphorus Hummingbird, which with the excellent images (see image below) that Bob Fogg was able to obtain seem to indicate that this bird may actually be a Rufous Hummingbird, is still coming to the feeders on New England Ave. Again, if you go to look for this bird please be respectful of the home owners property and privacy. Ms. Young has been wonderfully generous in opening up her yard to birders.

(Photo courtesy of Bob Fogg,

Michael O'Brien found a "Black" Brant at Cape May Harbor on Monday but the bird has yet to resurface. Below are a couple images which he shared with me. The CACKLING GOOSE is still hanging around with Lilly Lake being the most reliable place to locate this bird.

(Photos courtesy fo Michael O'Brien)

Yesterday, CMBO swing counter Dan Berard, had a Saw-whet Owl in the vicinity of the Hawkwatch. The bird flew a couple of times to unfortunately never be seen again. Though, in the process of looking for the Saw-whet a Long-eared Owl was found off the Red trail at the Cape May Point State Park.

The Harlequin Duck, which was hanging around the pilings at the Coast Guard Base (seen from Poverty Beach) has not been reported again. Also in the line of birds gone missing are the flocks of Snow Buntings and the Lapland Longspur that had been frequenting the Cape May Point State Park beaches. The last I have heard of these species being observed was on Sunday 11/23.

In the sightings sheets here at the Northwood Center, a Northern Parula was reported from the "lighthouse" which I am guessing means the Cape May point State Park. While there have been a few fly-bys noted as of late there was one immature male Common Eider at Poverty Beach. And something I've neglected to mention are the numbers of Baltimore Orioles that have been seen at various locations around Cape Island lately. Upwards of 20+ were seen over the past weekend.

Lastly, again on 11/23 were a Lincoln's Sparrow at Higbee, a Grasshopper Sparrow at the Magnesite Plant and a Black-throated Green Warbler at the Cape May Point State Park.

Good luck and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving from

Location: Cape May Point
Observation date: 11/26/08
Notes: 2715 steps = approx. 1.8 miles
Number of species: 46

Canada Goose 35
Mute Swan X
Gadwall 45
American Wigeon 40
Mallard X
Surf Scoter 10
Black Scoter 15
dark-winged scoter sp. 35
Long-tailed Duck 1
Bufflehead 1
Ruddy Duck 15
Red-throated Loon 1
Northern Gannet 20
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron X
Sharp-shinned Hawk 2
Merlin 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Mourning Dove X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Carolina Chickadee X
Carolina Wren X
Golden-crowned Kinglet X
Eastern Bluebird 47
American Robin 1000
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling 450
American Pipit 45
Cedar Waxwing 50
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) X
Black-throated Green Warbler 1
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 12
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird 3000
Common Grackle 600
Brown-headed Cowbird 1200
Purple Finch 10
House Finch 15
Pine Siskin 30
American Goldfinch 2500
House Sparrow X

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2

Location: Cape Island
Observation date: 11/24/08
Notes: 10748 steps = approx. 7 miles
Number of species: 77

Snow Goose 1
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Wood Duck 2
Gadwall 135
American Wigeon 120
American Black Duck 130
Mallard 250
Northern Shoveler 3
Northern Pintail 35
Green-winged Teal 630
Ring-necked Duck 35
Lesser Scaup 1
Surf Scoter 25
Black Scoter 75
dark-winged scoter sp. 400
Long-tailed Duck 3
Hooded Merganser 20
Red-breasted Merganser 3
Ruddy Duck 35
Red-throated Loon 175
Common Loon 1
Northern Gannet 2500
Double-crested Cormorant 10
Great Blue Heron 4
Black Vulture 4
Turkey Vulture X
Northern Harrier 4
Sharp-shinned Hawk 4
Red-tailed Hawk 2
Merlin 1
American Coot 25
Greater Yellowlegs 2
Sanderling 12
Purple Sandpiper 6
Bonaparte's Gull 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird 1
Belted Kingfisher 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 5
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) X
Blue Jay X
American Crow 12
Fish Crow 1
Tree Swallow 25
Carolina Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Carolina Wren X
Marsh Wren 1
Eastern Bluebird X
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) X
Yellow-breasted Chat 1
Eastern Towhee 1
Vesper Sparrow 1
Savannah Sparrow 20
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow 1
Fox Sparrow 3
Song Sparrow 35
Swamp Sparrow 12
White-throated Sparrow 150
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Eastern Meadowlark 5
Purple Finch 10
House Finch 65
Pine Siskin 1
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2

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