
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday Briefs - Snowy Owl Continues

Here's a few short notes regarding some birds around Cape May today:

A mid-day visit to the north end of Avalon failed to yield the eiders seen by CMBO's field trip a few hours earlier, but did result in a fine total of five Harlequin Ducks, including two adult males. Three White-winged Scoters were present among dozens of Black and Surf Scoters.

A Great Egret continues to linger in the Reed's Beach area, a sorta-impressive achievement considering the "relative" severity of the current winter.

Jason Guerard reports that the adult Black-headed Gull was present at the Ferry Terminal at 1:00pm. Later in the afternoon, there was no sign of the bird, but there were 4-5 Forster's Terns in the area.

Steve Mason spotted one of the Snowy Owls flying south over the beach at Stone Harbor Point at last light this evening, around 6:05pm.

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