
Monday, February 2, 2009

Turkey Point and Tuckahoe News: Eagles, Rough-leggeds, Tundra Swans

Janet Crawford and Karen Johnson sent the following report from CMBO's walks at Turkey Point Sunday morning and Tuckahoe Sunday evening. Turkey Point walks start 8 a.m. every Sunday through March, while the nightfall walks at Tuckahoe are on only certain dates (the next is February 22), on a rotation with vigils at Jake's Landing.

"On the 2/1/09 CMBO walk at Turkey Point, we saw 3 immature and 3 adult Bald Eagles. One of the adults was arranging a stick in the nest. A Winter Wren flew across the trail. The impoundments at Maple Avenue were thawing and some ducks were back, including 25 Gadwall.

"At McNamara WMA - Tuckahoe on the 2/1/09 CMBO walk, the highlights were 26 Tundra Swans; 2 dark morph Rough-legged Hawks, one of which was hunting close enough to give good looks; and a Short-eared Owl."

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