
Friday, March 27, 2009

"The birding is really good right now, just not many rarities"

The title is a quote from Michael O'Brien, who sent me the images below. Michael was emphasizing the good birding, not the lack of rarities, and I couldn't agree more. There is so much more to birding than ticking off rarities.

Plus it is just a gorgeous day out. On the way to work at CMBO - CRE in Goshen this morning I had several Brown Thrashers in full song, a Pine Warbler singing along Buck Avenue, Eastern Meadowlarks several places, a Bald Eagle, and my first of year Laughing Gull calling overhead.

Janet Crawford called me to report Eastern Phoebe and Pine Warblers at Belleplain State Forest. And there's a bullfrog calling in the pond at CMBO-CRE right now!

[Red-throated Loon, photographed by Michael O'Brien. Click to enlarge. Large numbers stage off Cape May, normally peaking right around now.]

[Michael had 24 Great Egrets fly past the Concrete Ship this morning. These are some of them. Click to enlarge.]

[Black and Surf Scoters flying past Cape May Point, photo by Michael O'Brien. Click to enlarge. CMBO's weekly birding field trips will shortly increase to at least one every day, ranging from Cape May Point to Peaslee WMA. Why? The birding's really good right now!]

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