
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Red-necked Grebes & Scenes from Avalon and Corbin City

Michael O'Brien found two Red-necked Grebes off the Convention Center in Cape May this morning. This is a scarce-to-rare migrant and winter visitor in Cape May in modern times, with the exception of the 1994 "invasion" when the Great Lakes froze.

Kevin Inman sent the below photos from Avalon and Corbin City:

[Semipalmated Plovers, 8th Street Jetty, Avalon on Sunday. Photo by Kevin P. Inman.]
[Purple Sandpipers, also 8th Street in Avalon on Sunday. Photo by Kevin P. Inman]

[Osprey with apparent largemouth bass, Corbin City impoundments on Sunday. Photo by Kevin P. Inman. Nice shot, Kevin!]

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