
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring Arrivals in Cape May

It was exciting to see this Piping Plover arrive back at the State Park this evening! I also noticed some Oystercatchers sitting on the beach for the first time this season. There have been a few flying around the point over the past week. It seems the warm weather also brought in some Lesser Yellowlegs.
This bird was at the Cove Pool between 2nd Ave and the Meadows. (The Lesser Yellowlegs is the bird in focus behind the Greater Yellowlegs in the foreground.) Six more Lesser Yellowlegs were seen at the Meadows this evening. There was also an adult male Dickcissel visiting a feeder for a few mintues today - which is interesting since I haven't seen the young bird in my back yard since the storm came last week. Finally - another returning bird was this Laughing Gull which was photographed at the Cape May -Lewes Ferry Terminal by Karl Lukens yesterday.

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