
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stone Harbor Snowy and Peregrine; Cape May Point Great Corm and Walk Results

[Stone Harbor Point Snowy Owl on Monday, not far from Observation Platform. Photo by Karl Lukens.]
[Another Stone Harbor highlight bird, and regular, has been Peregrine Falcon. Karl Lukens photographed this one on Monday.]
[Kevin P. Inman captured this Great Cormorant looking spiffy in high breeding plumage on the Concrete Ship last Friday. ]

CMBO's Saturday Cape May Point walk highlights included a "Nice variety of land birds and water birds. Off shore there are thousands of scoters, mostly Black, Red-throated Loons, and some Gannets. Ruddy Turnstones and Purple Sandpipers on the jetty at St. Peter's. - Karl (Judy, Tom, Chuck, Mary Jane, Roger, Kathy, Warren, Steve, David)"

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