
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Belleplain: Turkeys, Waterthrush, Yellow-throated Warbler

[Karl Lukens captured this Wild Turkey gobbler in full fan at Belleplain this morning. Click to enlarge]

The first CMBO Thursday Belleplain Walk had good results, acccording to the leaders:

"CMBO Thursday Belleplain Walk. Cloudy and no rain, but lots of singing Pine Warblers. We saw and heard a Louisiana Waterthrush at the "Sunset Bridge", also saw and heard one of several Yellow-throated Warblers. However we could not find a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher. On the other hand we did get great looks at Wild Turkeys in 2 locations. - Karl, Jim, Tom, Judy, Bert, Patty"

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