
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Swallow-tailed Kite Redux, other reports

Mark Garland reports a Swallow-tailed Kite soaring over the Beanery in Cape May as I write this, a little before 3:00 p.m. If you go, watch for Cattle Egrets, there were 3 at the "pond" on the corner of Stevens Street and Bayshore this morning, and another in the field pond at the Beanery proper, with 30 Snowy Egrets.

Here's the word from Belleplain this morning: "CMBO Belleplain walk. Beautiful day but birds seemed not to be freely singing, just enough to make it interesting. Of course the Ovenbirds are in and were vocal. Also heard Louisiana Waterthrush in several areas, great looks at Yellow-throated Warbler and 2 Prothonotary, saw 1 Pine, and heard several Black and Whites. Two fly-over Bald Eagles, Red-tails, and a Broad-winged Hawk. - Karl Lukens"

My FOS Green Heron just flew over Route 47 near Goshen.

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