
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Avocet, Curlew Sandpiper, Kites, more + WSB results

Vince Elia just called to let me know there is an American Avocet at Heislerville right now, found by Paula Clark. There was a male Curlew Sandpiper there earlier amidst the bazillion shorebirds which are flushing repeatedly.

Glenn Davis picked a Swallow-tailed Kite over his house in Green Creek, headed south, a little after noon today.

At least 2 Mississippi Kites have been seen in various places in Cape May today, along with a collection of 50+ buteos, mostly Broad-winged hawks, that has been moving around Cape Island. A singing Grasshopper Sparrow and Dickcissel were along Bayshore Road, on the left hand side in the last field on the left (west) before the development, as you head towards New England Road, along with about a dozen Bobolinks in the distance, according to Michael and Louise.

Full results for the WSB have been posted on the WSB page.

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