
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Common Moorhen and Purple Sandpiper; Tom Reed's County sightings

I just got word there is a Common Moorhen in the Meadows (Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge), east path near the beach.

Pete Dunne and I had a single Purple Sandpiper on the Concrete Ship around 1:00 today, viewing from Alexander Avenue. I don't think it would be visible from Sunset Beach.

There is at least a rumor of a Hooded Merganser female at the pond on New England Road on the north side as you head towards Higbee Beach at the entrance to the former Cold Spring Campground. I checked around 2:00 p.m. and did not see it.

A significant thunderstorm has just broken out down here, glad to be indoors for a change.

Tom Reed sent me a bunch of sightings relevant to WSB:

Snow Goose- County Zoo
Brant- Nummy, Reed's Beach
Wood Duck- Beaver Swamp, Meadows, Cove Pool
Gadwall- Meadows, Cove Pool, Heislerville
Shoveler- male at the Meadows on Wednesday
Green-winged Teal- Reed's Beach, Goshen Landing
Scoters- fly-by's from the Point, Meadows
Surf Scoter- 20 at Reed's Beach today
Red-breasted Merganser- Heislerville, Meadows/Cove Pool, Nummy
Bobwhite- Beaver Swamp
Red-throated Loon- fly-by's at Sunset Beach, Meadows
Gannet- everywhere
Great Cormorant- Hereford Inlet
Little Blue Heron- Stevens Street (3)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron- retention pool in median of parkway, mile 2.5
Mississippi Kite- Beanery (Tues/Wed)
Bald Eagle- Reed's Beach, Stevens Street
Harrier- Stevens Street (migrants), Jakes
Cooper's Hawk- Stevens Street
Broad-winged Hawk- Stevens Street
Merlin- Stevens Street
Peregrine- Stevens Street
Piping Plover- enclosure near dune crossover on west path of Meadows
Solitary/Spotted- practically any good-sized puddle...everywhere right now.
Red Knot- Reeds Beach, Cooks Beach
Parasitic Jaeger- Sunset Beach
Bonaparte's Gull- 19 @ Cooks Beach today, 5 @ Kimble's, 3 @ Reed's. Also Sunset Beach, Meadows.
LBB Gull- Meadows
Barn Owl- hunting marshes around Reed's Beach
Screech-Owl: Kimbles Beach Rd, Cooks Beach Rd
Nighthawk: Fogg had one on Cape Island yesterday
Chuck: Reed's/Cook's Beach Roads
Whip: Jakes
Horned Lark: singing @ Stevens Street
Bluebird: Beanery
Waxwing: Reeds Beach Road
Blue Grosbeak: beanery parking lot, Hidden Valley parking lot
Bobolink: Stevens Street
W-f Ibis: Beaver Swamp (fly-by), last Sunday
S-t Kite: Continued from Stevens Street as of 12pm

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