
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Curlew Sandpiper, Heislerville WMA

A Curlew Sandpiper was found by Harvey Tomlinson at Heislerville WMA this morning. H-ville has been packed with shorebirds lately, so a trip there is definitely worth it, even if you can't dig up the Curlew.

I'm sure Don or Bob will have more WSB highlights to report later...a couple highlights of the NJAS Trail Birds' day included a low Mississippi Kite over the fields at the north end of Bayshore Road, a Marbled Godwit on Thorofare Island (viewed from Two Mile Landing), and the continuing Black-necked Stilt at the South Cape May Meadows.

We also came across 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers on Cape Island during the morning hours, and were tipped off to a continuing Long-tailed Duck at St. Peter's. Also in the lingering duck department were 2 Buffleheads at Shell Bay Landing, and a female Black Scoter at Heislerville during high tide.

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