
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Roseate Tern, Wilson's Storm-Petrels and Gannet at St. Peter's

I spent 2 hours this morning seawatching at the point, mostly off St. Peter's, and watching a thunderstorm come across the bay. The tide was high and falling.

Like I later jokingly told Bob Fogg when I ran into him, I think this shearwater thing is a myth. Bob commented that the evening has been better for the large tubenoses. The small ones, i.e. Wilson's Storm-petrels, were fairly easy to find, and I counted 12. I never saw more than 2 at one time, but every storm-petrel was flying left, into the southeast wind, so I am assuming I didn't double count.

The best bird was a gorgeous adult Roseate Tern, which really stood out from the Forster's and Commons with its rapid, Least-Tern-like wingbeat and extremely long tail (the all-black bill and pink flush didn't hurt, either.) A single immature Northern Gannet flew into the bay but far offshore and the continuing female Black Scoter with the bad left wing floated past on the falling tide. Two Black Skimmers, two Royal Terns and three American Oystercatchers also made appearances.

Three White-tailed Deer standing on the beach next to the Bunker pretty much ignored passing beachcombers. Deer on the beach happen, but whenever they do it's still a surprise.

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