
Monday, August 24, 2009

Brig Update - Phalaropes, Avocet, Godwit, Black Terns

A late-morning swing through Brig produced many of the birds that have been reported there during the past week. The north dike continues to host an impressive number and variety of shorebirds, particularly in the area just past the "dog leg." An American Avocet and two Wilson's Phalaropes highlighted the several thousand birds present, which also included a plethora of Semipalmated Sandpipers, and smaller numbers of Westerns. A few White-rumped Sandpipers and Stilt Sandpipers were sprinkled in, and both dowitchers were present, including a healthy dose of Long-billeds.

The Red-necked Stint went unseen while I was there, and nobody I talked to had seen it/heard any reports of it. The Roseate Spoonbill was apparently hiding behind a shrub island in the northwest corner of the newly-named Danzenbaker Pool (formerly East Pool) for most of the morning, and was missed by many (myself included).

Other birds around the dikes included a Marbled Godwit toward the start of the south dike, multiple Black Terns in the southwest pool, and both teal along the north dike.

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