
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Countywide Notes: Scoter, Dickcissel, More

[Common Moorhen at the Meadows during Monday morning's walk. Photo by Karl Lukens, click to enlarge.]

Here's a few news items to pass along-

The White-winged Scoter at Kimble's Beach continued at dawn this morning, sitting on the beach to the north side of road-end. There weren't any noticeable migrants along the road itself, but a Blue Grosbeak was singing in the field behind the old site of the Cape May NWR headquarters.

Ponderlodge (Villas WMA) was likewise quiet on the migrant front, save for a fly-over Dickcissel around 7:20am. A single Redstart and a pair of Gnatcatchers were present, as were Eastern Bluebird, White-breasted Nuthatch and Green Heron.

Additional reports from Cape Island yesterday detailed an Alder Flycatcher at the State Park, as well as a Cape May Warbler at Higbee.

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