
Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall Seasonals are Here!

CMBO's fall seasonal crew starts tomorrow! Here they are, left to right:

Pete Dunne, Hawk Counter

Doug Gochfeld, Swing Counter

Stephen Kolbe, Sea Watch Interpretive Naturalist (Steve will also be at Morning Flight and the Hawk Watch)

Melissa Roach, Hawk Watch Interpretive Naturalist (returning from last year)

Claire Iseton, Monarch Migration Project Intern

Ari Waldstein, Hawk Watch Interpretive Naturalist

Josh Lawrey, George Myers Field Naturalist Intern (Josh was a CMBO interpretive naturalist several years ago)

Jessica Donohue, Morning Flight Interpretive Naturalist (Jessica will also be at the Hawk Watch)

Cameron Cox, Morning Flight Counter (Cameron of course has been counting since August 16)

Not pictured: Nick Metheny, Sea Watch Counter ( Nick starts September 22)

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