
Monday, August 31, 2009

Shrike and Sora Photos; Franklin's Gull

As I understand it, the Loggerhead Shrike [photo below] was found by Barb Bassett, and the i.d. confirmed by Michael O'Brien. It was still present, occasionally pursued by an apparent family group of mockingbirds, through at least 5:20 p.m. tonight. Start by checking from the hawk watch platform at Cape May Point State Park looking northeast. I owe a big thank-you to Vince Elia, who "held on to" this bird until I could arrive at the state park after work.

Bob Fogg found a Franklin's Gull this evening, seen from the 2nd dune crossover at the state park.

I've got some Zugenruhe happening in my yard right now, 7:18 p.m., in the form of American Redstarts feeding actively. Perhaps the flight we though should have happened last night will happen tonight, with the falling temperatures?

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